Friday, December 17, 2010

Yamaha Receiver Switching

FDP parliamentary group calls for equality between men - SPD, however

SPD deputy Seeheim: Has the feminist ideology internalized lies obviously very strong
a gratifying thing in the message was read today in the online edition of the Lübeck messages. Consequently, the FDP calls in the parliament of Schwerin greater equality between men. Even if it is "only" in the parliament of Schwerin, and certainly a very long way to abolish the national Frauenbevorzugung, but it is also a glimmer of hope. It is after all a political demand for a better equality of men asked:
Schwerin - A better equality of men, the FDP demanded on Thursday in Parliament. They should be made more family-friendly working conditions - not only, but with particular focus on men, as the Liberals set out in its application.

guys also intended to open an even wider range to choose their career. The Secretary of State for Women and Equality, Margaret Seemann (SPD), responded testily far were still at a disadvantage in most women. For example, women were in Germany for work of equal average 23 percent paid less per hour than men

is thus expected that the (perceived or actual?) millions of "women's delegation of women, equal opportunities officer inside, instructed within gender research, gender studies, commissioned inside" etc., etc., to defend themselves against a better equality of men with teeth and claws. Main reason, since one could lose his well-paid and casual jobs could be at risk in coffee machine range. What if someone suddenly comes up with the idea that we now need men as men rather than women as women's representative officer? For EQUALITY - so the same number of men as men and women officers as women's representative - is certainly no money. Accordingly, it could be that women officers are being thinned for men and officers are used. And this is actually not so now. For just a casual job with such a erklecklichen income (*), one will never find again. And then also the loss of status, one who is after all a woman officer in the state of feminism ...

What also makes me a bit skeptical of the matter is the term better equality of men. This augurs poorly. Maybe put the placebo thought or pure opportunism behind. Maybe both. So in the end it is not about true equality of men, but about other issues such as political self-interest. Just as it has come into fashion in Germany. The FDP is not exactly high in the survey and some additional male voices could do so quite well.

rooster and chickens - have always been happy Creatures, when free-running and unequal
And finally, I disturb me in principle and again and again to the expression of equality. What am I supposed to mean? Who is with whom and / or be treated with what and in what form? And why all this?

One would sometimes ask a farmer whether he has treated his chickens even with the valve or vice versa. And how did he get the hinge. He probably would be a laugh out loud because he was the natural order of the world has internalized. He as a somewhat Bauer is older, because younger people believe less and less of it. Genetic Engineering and cloned animals (USA) can greet. But our little older farmer , of the laws of nature still knows, knows that it is pure madness, straighten natural differences of equality to do. And he also knows when it promotes the natural qualities of his chickens and a rooster that he then most delicious eggs and replaced ...!!

(*) The basic salary of Grade B 11 for permanent secretaries (Editor's note: Members Seeheim-Spd) Federal ministries in amounts from 1 July 2009 to € 11,303 per month. Source:

The painting photo shows a work by the Swiss artist Albert Anker from 1865


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