Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brazillian Waxing And Discharge

Why are primates smarter than feminists and Genderisten

Smarter than feminists and Genderisten!

On news.de been reported in a scientific study of the realization that there is a conditional biologistically different behavior of female and male monkeys. In the scientific conclusion about the people, this means that the person a God and / or nature-given inner identity model has what is different in men and women. This is NOT instilled, but is basically in the nature of sex.

As a result, primates have the feminists and Genderisten well ahead and you see that people can develop quite well back. No monkey in the world would make an attempt to persuade the males of its kind that they have no penis but a vagina. As it Genderisten practice. Spiegel online reported it under the heading "The New Man". Below is the relevant excerpt:

played so dissent's staff in a project week with guys in Marzahn a "prejudice competition" should be at the end of the recognition that men and women differ much less than expected. There ensued a heated debate about whether girls pee standing up and show guys feelings can, sentences flew back and forth. In the end, threw the two people in front of a dissent-particularly self-conscious boy, "that he had a vagina, and only so do, as he was a boy," it says in the log.
Source: http://www.spiegel.de

are already sad figures, the architects of the New Man and for healthy people it is unbelievable how people can get lost this way. One can only explain it by saying that the motives of the Genderisten lie beyond any reason and thus the man as a rational, cognitive beings deeply discriminatory. Significantly, cavort among the followers and leaders of feminism and Genderismus many lesbians and gays, and people have the authenticity and integrity of no importance. They can, among other political, careerist, and tighten financial profile and from € political reasons before the cart of feminism and Genderismus . Others are possible from different emotional motives here.

all have in common, however, that one can not speak of healthy people. It has been written enough about it and everyone can form without my relevant citing a healthy assessment of the human impact of the feminists and Genderisten. In principle, says the scientific study of Sonya Kahlenberg from Bates College (Lewiston / US-Maine) and Richard Wrangham of Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.) from all. They had observed a group of chimpanzees in Kibale National Park in Uganda for 14 years and has drawn their scientific conclusions:

young mother with monkeys have feelings

Young girls play with dolls, boys with cars: As a man, including the chimpanzee, have found researchers. Young female chimps keep such a passion for sticks - from mother feelings.

girls prefer to play with dolls, boys prefer cars. This is proven by scientific studies - even in monkeys: in captive chimpanzees gave the females prefer dolls, while male counterparts were playing better with cars.
first time in the animal kingdom are American biologists now have a simple Form of puppetry in wild chimpanzees observed. Their female offspring, they write in the journal Current Biology , small wooden sticks to mother like babies - apparently in preparation for their future motherhood. Male chimpanzees exhibit this behavior are not.
The study shows for the first time in wild animals that male and female pups were playing differently, the researchers explain. This suggests that there was indeed a kind of biological preference for certain games and toys, and this even when people are not only a result of education is different.
Full review on news.de: here
Compared to the garbled pseudo-scientific assumptions - that fantasies and spinning - the feminists and Genderisten an absolutely meaningful and reliable scientific knowledge! Scientists have 14 years (!) Analyzed observations of chimpanzees.

feminism and Genderismus however, has not even the slightest trace of scientific principles, although they never seem happy to give back. This reminds me just a quote from Ernst Ferstl (Austrian teacher, poet and aphorist) a: ". The stupidity never goes out of fashion you can be the zeitgeist always buy new clothes."

Today with stupidity including the dress of feminism and Genderismus and it is more than appalling that so many of our supposedly enlightened society fall for it. Apparently a German (mass) phenomenon ...


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