Saturday, December 18, 2010

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women push men pass the buck for childlessness

The best example of misguided female Blogs: Angela Merkel - Chancellor children than no light and as a woman. Merkel had more children raised and therefore the company has made a real service! reports on the increasing childlessness in Germany under the heading "German women, children muffle. Indeed, in the article then indicates to the career orientation of women as a reason for it, but at the same time lamented the lack of detail appropriate men

German women, children muffle

One in five women in Germany remain childless. According to scientists this is due to their career orientation. And to address the shortage of suitable men who are hesitant to bind to strong women.
objection: It is not the strong women that we repel men. Certainly not. Strong Men love strong women. No, there are the professional Zicken that repel us. And if this ever more in the guise of so-called "power women" and "Alpha Girls" and have therefore come-you-not-seen, then they can keep us even more stolen. These women are just caustic. The choke on their bloated egos and formally their total inflated self-perception and do not notice it. Even if one or the other Fortunately, and her therapist, "they may be more or less on the floor of the facts.
end of 2009 had about 20 percent of women 41-45 years, no children, the Federal Statistical Office reported. These women could indeed be practical nor mother, but remained childless, with high probability.
this is the fact that modern young women have more trouble finding the right men. They waived in case of doubt on marriage and children, if they had no partner to take over his share of the related tasks, social scientist Klaus Hurrelmann.
The role model of young women and girls have changed significantly, said the scientist. The three Cs - children, kitchen, church - a fourth is to come: career. This is for many now, of course. Boys and young men are opposed to the much more traditional role arrested. They now stood strong women with large claims in respect towards children and family. Why men in particular are often reluctant to enter into a bond.
Again said: The strength of this so-called strong women is - generally - in its own right attitude. Otherwise, the most just hot air. Pure show. There are jugglers female and blenders female brainwashed by the people through the feminist propaganda lies of course can cause admiration. men do not enter into any relationship when they realize that they are dealing with a bloated work bitch. And they refuse to testify to legal children of women as they make themselves to lifelong number of slaves. It says just as the Federal Minister: German mothers are the most protected in Europe . They are so well protected, that having children is nearly impossible. And the question must be asked: Who is protecting actually the fathers? None. On the contrary: the protection of the mothers is also an incredible discrimination the fathers. Therefore: Get your fingers away from the German occupation Zicken and maintenance prostitutes

The ratio of the population of Europe moves to the world's population by 2050 striking: from once- 24.7% share of the global population in 2050, Europe has only a share of the world population of 7%. Responsible for this - apart from the population explosion of other countries - including the birth rate in Europe because of decadence. On this land that feminism could thrive especially well and especially with women's Ideology (including my belly belongs to me) ruin. result of the drastic decline in fertility in recent decades, Europe has the lowest population growth in the world.

And sometimes the way: Who has moved women to seek their fulfillment in the pursuit of a career? Who moves them to compete with the men kicking and very own to orphan natural and God-given wife domains? Why men should now bow to the dictates of feminist and forced to bend and diseased? Now back to and according to the ancient lyre, the men feministsichen be those who are responsible have to take responsibility for the failures are and childlessness. Greetings, you can visit us sometimes ...
half of the women without children to 34 years
the reason for the different development of role models Hurrelmann provides, inter alia, that there is hardly appropriate role models for men give up. Within the family had the image of the father saw little change, he said. Quite different that of mothers: Their idea of their design life had moved significantly, and the daughters have taken over this with great naturalness. At the same time girls were encouraged by the society in general and rewarded in their quest to reconcile work and family to do.
Again, I have to complain about fundamental issues. In fact it is so that one has convinced women that they must make better men. Such women will not a man but a man wants women who they are and can do what women can and should be. And no bloated Egoweiber! The are abound in Germany. And the greater the bitchy, the more the bitch as a power woman / strong woman is seen. What a madness
Also: After the feminist industry German women produced, his mother and raise children and the family home ready to be unworthy and now also "uncool" (bad mothers are sexy) considered for women, women have only the possibility to catch professionally for a little happiness. A poor imitation of what they might have to meet if they would realize the inherent female qualities as a family. So put on your nose!

See the full article on in here

source for the image (Europe population ratio the world population):


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