Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Long After Waxing Can You Not Shower

report the information meeting with Natividad LLanquileo in Berlin

(report written by Kristina from Berlin.26.Nov.2010)

took on 23.11.2010 in Berlin at the Research and Documentation Center Chile-Lateinamerika eV
(FDCL) Chilean / Latin American and German at the Film-and part information session with Natividad Llanquileo, a spokeswoman for the Mapuche Political Prisoners of Concepción, Chile. It represents the 33 Mapuche, who saw a nearly 3-month hunger strike to October this year the only chance to make their demands for justice.

They explained that the Mapuche are simply referred to as terrorists, and imprisoned without processes of military justice is delivered. Their families can not live quietly in the communities, they are constantly harassed militarily, and even children are persecuted, kidnapped and forced by torture as "masked" witnesses to testify only after months in which incipient trials of their own "brothers". The government has not carried out the Piñera during the talks brokered by the Archbishop of Concepción announced reforms. On the contrary, it was what the anti-terrorism law in regard to Pinochet times, made only a few word games that can ultimately even more terrible consequences than before. This means that an innocent just because he angehoert a Mapuche indigenous people, can get incredibly high Gefaengnissstrafen (up over 100 years) and a carabinero (police officer) for a truly committed murder of a Mapuche, does not even have to settle for perhaps 15 years but its freed.
also be presented are still being seen masked witnesses without a name, and in documentary was to see "The process Pichun Pascual," and they put the words literally in the mouth. Under these conditions, the Mapuche prisoners learn not just processes, so that we Natividad just informed this evening that the hunger strike will be resumed.

She won on her trip to Europe now important international observers who have great interest in the course of the trials against the Mapuche in Chile, because here are clearly violated human rights seriously.
As the film was also clear, given the Mapuche in Chile little support, they are many - also fueled by the manipulation - as "foreigners" and ill-considered treated, it goes this is sacred land of their ancestors respected what they were made insidious and what they need for living and farming for the existence of their families. Often the Mapuche arson of lands of the "rich" are accused while they are mostly from the forest industry entrepreneurs careless and reckless. More important is the international support at every level and urgently needed. Also, the financial burdens are unbearable for the families, they have to pay high legal fees and trips to prisons while they themselves have less revenue than before.
The young spokesperson for the Mapuche prisoners was very thankful for the help from Germany and stressed the importance of the manifestations that took place here and campaigns.

Mapuche means people of the earth, and since they do not their country - can exist is not clear in the words of a conscious Mapuche boy in the movie, how threatening the situation is - the mother earth: Sin MAPU No hay CHE = without earth no human .


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