Thursday, December 16, 2010

Does Getting A Throat Culture Hurt

latest Kachelmann: Does not look good for the man-hater

On today is a 100-day balance in the trial of Joerg Kachelmann drawn. Consequently, it seems to Jörg tile man did not look so bad. Of course, to the chagrin of the self-appointed top prosecutor, and judge Vorverurteilerin Alice Schwarzer in their unique quasi-moral blindness:
usually take Rape trial a few days. But the case against Joerg Kachelmann beyond all dimensions. Since 6 September is Germany's most famous meteorologist in court - for exactly 100 days.

said before court for nine ex-girlfriends, at least eleven experts dealt with the case, two prosecutors and three judges and two lay judges have met 20 process days in Hall 1 of the Mannheim Regional Court.
But that's just the mid-term review! The process will take time by 100 days - 31 March 2011. A total of 39 trial days!
again Why so long? If even some one hundred exes of tile man to be heard? Perhaps even his kindergarten friend (nen)? And above all, the teacher? Probably she has seen decades ago was conspicuous in the small Jörgi, from which knit so after the now well-known feminist manner lies a perpetrator can be built? Hence my proposal to the top man-hater of the Republic, Alice Schwarzer: asking me for once in your fee donor IMAGE whether the budget for the "case tile man" nor sufficient for "procurement" of a new, feminist trimmed witness

loses the Incarnate crystallization of self-righteousness, "their process" against friendliness saves money?

The former teacher of tile men, perhaps waiting eagerly for their performance. Finally, they had for decades been the terrible and evil in the bud bear little boys, later to all evil men, and pigs were (potential) rapists. Now they could allow the tile man - show times correctly and properly air make for the decades of humiliation - representing all the other boys and men through the small guys. As she says sure the little princesses that are totally easy to clean and angelic. About her - especially in Germany - inherent Berufszickigkeit and some other demonic attributes of the princesses we'll see studiously away according to the state feminist doctrine.

Maybe I'm wrong, but also and the lady is someone worthy of the term also. Then it has for decades with a very loving and affirming their hearts to the children entrusted all that can be bestowed its possible that is needed in this young age to a healthy human development. This is the unshakable understanding the different nature of male and female with the appropriate action and behavior. In this case, I testify to you, dear unknown lady, my respect.

further writes IMAGE:
What is the outlook for tile man?
• The weather man was arrested nine months ago. The rape allegations he denies. Kachelmann won only five attorneys: Reinhard Birkenstock, Klaus Schroth, Ralf Höcker, Andrea Combe and last Johann Schwenn.
• In the process, it is still word against another's. Kachelmanns Ex-girlfriend Sabine W. * (37) claimed to 9th in the night raped February vorgehaltenem knife from him to be.
• The evidence is still thin. Criminal lawyer Stefan Kling (49) from Mannheim: "I am of the opinion that Mr tile man was acquitted. The evidence revealed so far that there are, the testimony of the alleged victim no evidence of his guilt "
The also not involved in the process Prosecutor Klaus Haussler (64) from Landau (Rheinland-Pfalz)". After the High Court in Karlsruhe has the strong suspicion denied and quashed the arrest warrant, In my opinion, from the criminal proceedings, the air long out. "He also says:" I therefore assume that Mr tile man is acquitted "
In each case the procedure for Kachelmann an expensive affair.. But the private experts appointed defense Kachelmann per the trial could cost up to 5,000 €, speculates "
Well, the cost of tile man likely to be immense. Not only the process with the legal fees then has a little sum erkleckliches devoured. The indirect costs and business losses due to the - how it looks now - False accusation his ex will probably be far higher. Although Joerg Kachelmann perhaps to recover the part, such as the World reported:
The new defender Schwenn has already commented on the case of tile man. In the magazine "Cicero" he described the work of the investigating prosecutors as "amateurish Herumermitteln. It said Schwenn to a possible legal action from tile's "For the public prosecutor in Mannheim is (...) more at stake than a loss of face. If the defendant is acquitted, he must court the right to compensation for the deprivation of liberty award, "says the" Cicero "report. "For the destruction of his reputation, which have inflicted the prosecutors through their just-aligning and amateurish Herumermitteln, would stand the state of Baden-Württemberg."
Source: /
In the event that Jörg tile man leaves an innocent man the courthouse in March next year, I'm curious to the comments of the feminist corner. Presumably it will then read: tile man is guilty but the Court it still innocent befunden.Vielleicht even connected with the demands for fairer, more humane say feminist laws.

Even with an acquittal has experienced Joerg Kachelmann an incision in his life already has many other men refracted en . Was this the intention of his ex? But it is desirable to be trusted and that he is finished.

probably Schwarzer even dreamed that the future can lock to the naked female rape accused men for a few years behind bars, without a judicial decision or a process. It would at least fit into the pattern of men hate poor little Alice ...

interested me most, however, whether the Falschbeschuldigerin as usual sanctions-free from the damage done by their disaster away with it. An incredible idea to me, but we wait's from mal ...

is the contribution to ART read it here


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