Monday, December 27, 2010

Can I Take Mucinex And Nightquil

break through the glass ceiling

Like every year I treat myself "between the years" a few days off. For this I went to a place where no women hintrauen Pauerwimmen and feminists. Not to mention the legendary Alpha fairy tale. Oh, no, I mean alpha girls. But I think the same. In short, I allowed myself a break in a place that is shielded by the legendary glass ceiling in front of the aforementioned groups and Mutant female. Would not be necessary, because there is no coffee machine up here and also include a host of other difficulties, the woman as the devil shuns holy water.

a men paradise because this sucks and does not interfere Pauerwummen still alpha tales, uh alpha girl, or a different species from the feminist sphere ...

Up here, I go like every year in closed session to complete the one year and forward to the new year, as the saying goes, mentally, spiritually and morally ready. It is not only, but, first and foremost everything to the test, so to speak, what gives me discomfort. This in a sense, one anti-feminist, my commitment. The more or less permanent employment with the feminist demon gives me the sense of negation. As much as I feel like a mad (and) destructive feminism and its stringent Form of gender mainstreaming and should be eradicated, the more I feel that it can only go at the design stage. The perpetual repetition of the arguments against feminism and denouncing his misdeeds, can this dreadful scourge of humanity can not defeat alone. On the contrary, the monster draws it probably still force.

I will devote myself to my exam this year the question may seem like a constructive way for the eradication of feminism. As it currently appears to me, that question can be answered only in a pure about feminism far projecting context. What are the reasons and roots for feminism? Is it such as the radical secularization of Germany and Europe? To my current knowledge, this is the decisive factor in the spread of feminism be in our latitudes. In the interaction of the mutually reinforcing trends of secularization and prosperity of our decadence, and justified the accompanying invitation to feminism anyway sparse human basic properties are crumbling, which are vital to fruitful coexistence of people. That the world before this development was not a paradise, is not a secret. But now it's no secret that the chosen social Way also is almost the same as for millions of years: a human aberration in search of the lost paradise. So the kingdom of God, the home of bliss.

Are not these great Pauer women? Sorry, had not found with manly courage, the climbs really well. Therefore, the mix of photomontage and Art-work of art.

see this, paradise, can not be in the war of the sexes, but alone with each other and in love. Love your neighbor as Up the whole universe is itself the fact, except Alice Schwarzer and the other protagonists of feminism, the poodle, honest men and puppets of the feminists, and many more Genderisten people from many other reasons.

But what for the universe has only marginal importance for us men, a scourge and non painful. Only eradicate if you pull up with the roots of evil. probably faced a lengthy mammoth task given the world situation and in the main only by men (in cooperation with women?) . But how and on what Way?

all together a happy new year and all the very best in 2011.

PS: Finally, a small movies, which clearly shows why there is scaffolding in airy heights no Pauer women. And, as it is appointed in an emergency to the defensive strength of our country ...

author's note: The video shows how male soldiers their female comrades during an exercise must carry along. In an emergency, if these women Pauer but then not there, because it allowed only men to be shot dead. The exercises hamper preparation for a possible emergency, these ladies only the rehearsal of procedures, which latch in the defense case and the less demanding course, more deaths and injuries among men.


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