Friday, December 31, 2010

Ap Biology Labratory 6

Happy and Happy New Year! Undisturbed

My wish for the new year is that we are fulfilling our vision again a very good deal closer

Ap Biology Labratory 6

Happy and Happy New Year! Undisturbed

My wish for the new year is that we are fulfilling our vision again a very good deal closer

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Recurso de amparo para el joven Mapuche Luis Marileo ante la corte de apelación en Temuco Chile por el abogado Lorenzo Morales

December 28, 2010.
AS PRINCIPAL, Remedy of. FIRST ADDENDUM : Accompanying Documents, SECOND ADDENDUM ; Calls Crafts; THIRD ADDENDUM , Patronage and power.

Court of Appeals TEMUCO

Lorenzo Morales Andrés Cortés, lawyer, residing in the City of Collipulli 43 Cross Street, identity card No. 12403302-0 , to U.S.. Iltma. respectfully say:

That pursuant to the powers vested in me by the State Constitution, Article 21 and related standards, in particular Art. 95 Clause 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code, I hereby lodge my client for CONSTITUTIONAL ACTION UNDER , in Against the Second Chamber of the Honorable Court of Temuco, built on that occasion by Second Chamber of the Chairman Mr. Minister Leopoldo Sagristá Llanos, Mr. Minister Fernando Ortega Carreño and Judicial Prosecutor Mr. Luis Troncoso Lagos , since that decision affects legitimate exercise of personal liberty and personal security of my Luis Humberto Marileo Sponsored Cariqueo defendant in the 1134-2009 rit, ruc: 09009692218-2, lodged in the court a quo of Victoria, calling from and accept it for processing and Finally, take immediate measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure its proper protection, giving to some of the protective effect of art.155 of the Criminal Procedure Code, replacing the temporary internment measure hanging over his , all of this because of the findings of fact and law as noted below:


My sponsored Luis Marileo Cariqueo is accused in the case rit 1134-2009, based on an accusation that weighs against him for Terrorist Conspiracy, attempted murder and burning of chattel, where he was arrested months after the event occurred by the figure of 18,314 law art.4 the leniency of a protected witness, where he was arrested On April 13, 2010 while was at the Lyceum Institute for Rural Education "located in the Town of Pailahueque, at about 9:00 am when he was inside a room I call it the class of the Liceo inspector to make it to his office. Arriving there, the inspector was accompanied by two men who carried their guns clearly displayed by his side. One of the men said they had orders to arrest in six types that came, who was removed from the office of inspector and took him to the outside of the Lyceum. At all times he was surrounded and showed him his weapon in a threatening manner. Arriving near the road put him in a white vehicle, inside this was a young woman with her were 4 types. Once the vehicle was launched and began to insult him by asking people from other communities Ercilla. Everybody was in civilian . A man asked for his cell phone and my nephew to tell him that I had not started to threaten and insult him by saying things racist groups. " From there he was transferred to 4 th Victoria Police Station, where he performed the identity check then transported to Victoria Hospital to document my injuries. After that I returned to the police station where he was placed in a cell of 3 x 2 meters. In had 4 people including a woman who was in the car in which I moved from the Lyceum to the Commissioner. While in the dungeon I sat in a chair, his hands cuffed and back. That began to beat him while I wondered names people. With no response from you, one of the subject hit him in the ears with the palms of your hands while , there was obviously dazed and disoriented after each blow, then continued the threats and insults, "Indian conchaetumadre, we're going to dry up in jail" . This treatment continued, beat him in the ears and face after each question, laughed and beat him, my nephew has this hard at least an hour. Luis lost consciousness and direction with each stroke but was replaced to remember their faces. You can describe them as big men and three women, this had white skin, wavy hair and freckles on her face. He says that if you see them again recognize them, they were all in civilian clothes. These serious treatment, says he has not seen or prosecutor or attorney at his place of detention, that is currently under investigation by the Military Prosecutor of Angol, last October we requested a review of precautionary which together with other villagers were denied the court a quo in order to review that decision were deducted respective appeal, raising the background before the Court of Appeals of Temuco, which this twenty October two thousand ten. (crl) Role No. 0900969218-2. -50-842-2010, ruling: "... CERTIFY: That on that date the hearing was to hear appeals by the defense net, appearing to hearing Mrs. Karina Riquelme lawyers, attorney Lorenzo Morales , the legal adviser of the Public Ministry Miguel Contreras, who is delegated the power to appear, with this in mind this Court and attorney Don Hugo Gonzales.

The hearing took effect before the Second Chamber of the Chairman Mr. Minister Leopoldo Sagristá Llanos, Mr. Minister Carreño Fernando Ortega and Judicial Prosecutor Mr. Luis Troncoso Lagos.

The Court, bearing in mind the comments made by the participants in the hearing and by majority vote, for the minor defendant LUIS Marilee Cariqueo , agreed to revoke the decision appealed from October 19 this year, which upheld the internment temporary injunction and therefore leave no effect. Decision that was agreed with the vote against Mr. Minister Fernando Ortega Carreño, who was apparently to confirm the decision appealed and maintain such injunction.

Consequently, being a crime under Law 18,314, and served as provided in Article 19 No. 7, letter e), in conjunction with Article 9 of the Constitution, which requires the unanimously by the Ministers of the Board, the decision is appealed CONFIRMED , keeping the precautionary measure ordered the accused temporary internment ... ", we note that two long months have passed since that event and there have been two hearings in the same case in the city of victory, not proceeding to any debate because both judges have been disqualified, this defense can not articulate the exceptions relating to that the matching principle the Public Prosecutor downgraded behaviors I represented in terms of what the law requires 20,467, and also thinking about the principle of objectivity that we downgrade, but that has not happened yet maintaining the status of temporary admission of my sponsored Luis Marileo Cariqueo, before I conclude this action for relief that according to Article 21 of the Constitution of the Republic in relation to Article 95 of the Code of Criminal Procedure section 3 º by stating: "... However, if the detention has been ordered by court order, the legality may be challenged only by legal process corresponding before court that has given ... "It is true that the defense could have been another way for the implementation and restoration of the right but believes that the spirit of habeas corpus is the constitutional protection mechanism , precautionary and emergency in case the right is undisputed and undoubted nature as I believe is the case, it is also necessary to also indicate that the events described clearly constitute acts that endanger freedom staff, I submit to SS. I. that personal freedom and individual security is not only collected as a law Basic human in the Constitution of the Republic of Chile, but also in major international human rights instruments, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights or Pact of San José de Costa Rica and other international instruments are incorporated into national law by Article 5 of the Constitution of the State. However, CONSTITUTIONAL ACTION UNDER or HABEAS CORPUS , established in Article 21 of the Constitution of the State, and in clause 3 guarantees: "The same resource, and likewise, may be deducted for any person who illegally suffer any other deprivation, disruption or threat to his right to personal liberty and personal security ...", this further by incorporating the law in force at 20,467 and time of the allegations in which his article 3 º. states: "... If the acts described in Law No. 18,314 or in other laws to be executed by persons below eighteen years of implementing the principle of specialties are Always apply the procedure and reduced sentences provided for in Law No. 20,084, establishing a system of juvenile criminal responsibility ... "as well Law 20,084 and its message are accurate in recognizing the importance and value of international instruments in its provisions (article 2, paragraph two), ordering its implementation," the authorities shall take into consideration all rights and guarantees to which they are recognized in the Constitution, laws, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international instruments ratified by Chile that are in force. "posing as one of its objectives set an accountability system for adolescents between 14 and 18, but considering them as subjects of law should be treated with special care, requiring a "special responsibility appropriate to its subject matter of development" which seeks "to consider the adolescent as a subject of law which must be protected in their development and social and achieve targets for prevention crime. " The message stresses the rehabilitating purpose of under eighteen years, and in its wording, Article 20 expressly states that "sanctions and consequences established by this law are intended to establish the liability of adolescents who commit criminal acts of so that the punishment part of a broad educational intervention aimed at full integration partner. ( Santiago appeals court role 728-2010, May 14, 2010 ) plus The Convention on the Rights of the Child considers the placement of children, as it involves deprivation of liberty should be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest time. ( Court of Appeals of Santiago Role 31798-2004, November 13. 2004), The breaches mentioned in this resource affect not only mental and physical health, but is violated the self-life personal and social media community generating resentment could also enhance the search for actions individual to express their discomfort. This, far from being a threat to be considered when monitoring the quality of life for children and adults in the community following the conflict which has been a party. With regard to child rearing can not transmit values and principles to children as they are formed in an atmosphere of ambivalence, because on one hand are taught one thing at home or school and everything else is violated predicate, leaving the children in a situation of lack of understanding of social agents are supposed to be protective. While this process may be experienced with the characteristics described in the result can never have on children normal development of their potential. Moreover, considering that the main source of care, protection and responsible for introducing them into their culture, values and norms of society, the family is seriously threatened. Must emphasize that Chile has signed the International Standards Declaration on the Rights of the Child, and in regard to the Community Cacique José Wink is not being met, but on the contrary, they have violated more than one of the rights, know some of them:


1: A child means every human being under 18 years of Dad, except that under the law applicable to him has come of age. None of the children of the community has come of age and is immersed in criminal activities so that they all are the subjects of protection of their rights.

Art N 2: States Parties shall respect the rights set forth in this Convention and ensure its implementation to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of race, color, sex, language , religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, economic position, disability, birth or other status of their parents or legal guardians.

States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected / a against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the status, activities, expressed opinions or beliefs of their parents or their guardians or relatives.

Art # 5: States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents or, where appropriate, members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, guardians or others responsible for the child, to provide, in line with the evolving capacities, appropriate direction and guidance for the child of the rights recognized in this Convention.

Art No. 8: States Parties undertake to respect the right of children to preserve their identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognized by law without unlawful interference.

When a child is illegally deprived of some of the elements of their identity or all States Parties shall render appropriate assistance and protection in order to quickly restore identity.

The Convention is the first human rights treaty (known for chile art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Constitution) that makes explicit reference to indigenous children as subjects and to exercise full rights as individuals or collectively their rights to culture, religion and indigenous language (Article 30). The Committee in its General Comment # 11 from 2009 on indigenous children, recognizing that children, indigenous children and adolescents are in a special situation of violation of their rights.

This is the same state that held a few months ago the first anniversary of the Juvenile Criminal Responsibility Law was a recognition that (after 20 years of signing the Convention) that children in conflict with the law require special treatment since they are children. The law of juvenile criminal responsibility is a special system of justice for young people between 16 and 18 which ensures they are processed by a specialized system that has as its goal the return of children to society, and not punishment.

So things Since there is a threat is imminent, order of the amparo remedy is to "take immediate measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure due protection of the affected."


We ask U.S.. I, on the basis of the above and to the provisions of Articles 1, 5 and 19 No. 2, 19 No. 7, art. 21 of the Constitution, Supreme Court Decision on Remedy of processing, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights or Pact of San José de Costa Rica, and other applicable rules, have filed habeas corpus protection against the second room Lustra Honorable Court, process it and ultimately be brought to the attention of those concerned and to bring this action for defense and U.S.. I immediately take the measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure personal freedom and individual security represented Luis Humberto Marileo my giving some of the cautionary Code art.155 Criminal Procedure.

FIRST ADDENDUM: I beg U.S.. I. together have the record of the settlement which was the subject of this action.

SECOND ADDENDUM: U.S. request. I. SS. trades:

- To the members of the second division in order to report on its resolution.

THIRD ADDENDUM: I pray SS. I. bear in mind that this resource tramitare personally because I am a lawyer authorized to practice the profession, residing at 43 Cross Street City de Collipulli.

Recurso de amparo para el joven Mapuche Luis Marileo ante la corte de apelación en Temuco Chile por el abogado Lorenzo Morales

December 28, 2010.
AS PRINCIPAL, Remedy of. FIRST ADDENDUM : Accompanying Documents, SECOND ADDENDUM ; Calls Crafts; THIRD ADDENDUM , Patronage and power.

Court of Appeals TEMUCO

Lorenzo Morales Andrés Cortés, lawyer, residing in the City of Collipulli 43 Cross Street, identity card No. 12403302-0 , to U.S.. Iltma. respectfully say:

That pursuant to the powers vested in me by the State Constitution, Article 21 and related standards, in particular Art. 95 Clause 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code, I hereby lodge my client for CONSTITUTIONAL ACTION UNDER , in Against the Second Chamber of the Honorable Court of Temuco, built on that occasion by Second Chamber of the Chairman Mr. Minister Leopoldo Sagristá Llanos, Mr. Minister Fernando Ortega Carreño and Judicial Prosecutor Mr. Luis Troncoso Lagos , since that decision affects legitimate exercise of personal liberty and personal security of my Luis Humberto Marileo Sponsored Cariqueo defendant in the 1134-2009 rit, ruc: 09009692218-2, lodged in the court a quo of Victoria, calling from and accept it for processing and Finally, take immediate measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure its proper protection, giving to some of the protective effect of art.155 of the Criminal Procedure Code, replacing the temporary internment measure hanging over his , all of this because of the findings of fact and law as noted below:


My sponsored Luis Marileo Cariqueo is accused in the case rit 1134-2009, based on an accusation that weighs against him for Terrorist Conspiracy, attempted murder and burning of chattel, where he was arrested months after the event occurred by the figure of 18,314 law art.4 the leniency of a protected witness, where he was arrested On April 13, 2010 while was at the Lyceum Institute for Rural Education "located in the Town of Pailahueque, at about 9:00 am when he was inside a room I call it the class of the Liceo inspector to make it to his office. Arriving there, the inspector was accompanied by two men who carried their guns clearly displayed by his side. One of the men said they had orders to arrest in six types that came, who was removed from the office of inspector and took him to the outside of the Lyceum. At all times he was surrounded and showed him his weapon in a threatening manner. Arriving near the road put him in a white vehicle, inside this was a young woman with her were 4 types. Once the vehicle was launched and began to insult him by asking people from other communities Ercilla. Everybody was in civilian . A man asked for his cell phone and my nephew to tell him that I had not started to threaten and insult him by saying things racist groups. " From there he was transferred to 4 th Victoria Police Station, where he performed the identity check then transported to Victoria Hospital to document my injuries. After that I returned to the police station where he was placed in a cell of 3 x 2 meters. In had 4 people including a woman who was in the car in which I moved from the Lyceum to the Commissioner. While in the dungeon I sat in a chair, his hands cuffed and back. That began to beat him while I wondered names people. With no response from you, one of the subject hit him in the ears with the palms of your hands while , there was obviously dazed and disoriented after each blow, then continued the threats and insults, "Indian conchaetumadre, we're going to dry up in jail" . This treatment continued, beat him in the ears and face after each question, laughed and beat him, my nephew has this hard at least an hour. Luis lost consciousness and direction with each stroke but was replaced to remember their faces. You can describe them as big men and three women, this had white skin, wavy hair and freckles on her face. He says that if you see them again recognize them, they were all in civilian clothes. These serious treatment, says he has not seen or prosecutor or attorney at his place of detention, that is currently under investigation by the Military Prosecutor of Angol, last October we requested a review of precautionary which together with other villagers were denied the court a quo in order to review that decision were deducted respective appeal, raising the background before the Court of Appeals of Temuco, which this twenty October two thousand ten. (crl) Role No. 0900969218-2. -50-842-2010, ruling: "... CERTIFY: That on that date the hearing was to hear appeals by the defense net, appearing to hearing Mrs. Karina Riquelme lawyers, attorney Lorenzo Morales , the legal adviser of the Public Ministry Miguel Contreras, who is delegated the power to appear, with this in mind this Court and attorney Don Hugo Gonzales.

The hearing took effect before the Second Chamber of the Chairman Mr. Minister Leopoldo Sagristá Llanos, Mr. Minister Carreño Fernando Ortega and Judicial Prosecutor Mr. Luis Troncoso Lagos.

The Court, bearing in mind the comments made by the participants in the hearing and by majority vote, for the minor defendant LUIS Marilee Cariqueo , agreed to revoke the decision appealed from October 19 this year, which upheld the internment temporary injunction and therefore leave no effect. Decision that was agreed with the vote against Mr. Minister Fernando Ortega Carreño, who was apparently to confirm the decision appealed and maintain such injunction.

Consequently, being a crime under Law 18,314, and served as provided in Article 19 No. 7, letter e), in conjunction with Article 9 of the Constitution, which requires the unanimously by the Ministers of the Board, the decision is appealed CONFIRMED , keeping the precautionary measure ordered the accused temporary internment ... ", we note that two long months have passed since that event and there have been two hearings in the same case in the city of victory, not proceeding to any debate because both judges have been disqualified, this defense can not articulate the exceptions relating to that the matching principle the Public Prosecutor downgraded behaviors I represented in terms of what the law requires 20,467, and also thinking about the principle of objectivity that we downgrade, but that has not happened yet maintaining the status of temporary admission of my sponsored Luis Marileo Cariqueo, before I conclude this action for relief that according to Article 21 of the Constitution of the Republic in relation to Article 95 of the Code of Criminal Procedure section 3 º by stating: "... However, if the detention has been ordered by court order, the legality may be challenged only by legal process corresponding before court that has given ... "It is true that the defense could have been another way for the implementation and restoration of the right but believes that the spirit of habeas corpus is the constitutional protection mechanism , precautionary and emergency in case the right is undisputed and undoubted nature as I believe is the case, it is also necessary to also indicate that the events described clearly constitute acts that endanger freedom staff, I submit to SS. I. that personal freedom and individual security is not only collected as a law Basic human in the Constitution of the Republic of Chile, but also in major international human rights instruments, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights or Pact of San José de Costa Rica and other international instruments are incorporated into national law by Article 5 of the Constitution of the State. However, CONSTITUTIONAL ACTION UNDER or HABEAS CORPUS , established in Article 21 of the Constitution of the State, and in clause 3 guarantees: "The same resource, and likewise, may be deducted for any person who illegally suffer any other deprivation, disruption or threat to his right to personal liberty and personal security ...", this further by incorporating the law in force at 20,467 and time of the allegations in which his article 3 º. states: "... If the acts described in Law No. 18,314 or in other laws to be executed by persons below eighteen years of implementing the principle of specialties are Always apply the procedure and reduced sentences provided for in Law No. 20,084, establishing a system of juvenile criminal responsibility ... "as well Law 20,084 and its message are accurate in recognizing the importance and value of international instruments in its provisions (article 2, paragraph two), ordering its implementation," the authorities shall take into consideration all rights and guarantees to which they are recognized in the Constitution, laws, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international instruments ratified by Chile that are in force. "posing as one of its objectives set an accountability system for adolescents between 14 and 18, but considering them as subjects of law should be treated with special care, requiring a "special responsibility appropriate to its subject matter of development" which seeks "to consider the adolescent as a subject of law which must be protected in their development and social and achieve targets for prevention crime. " The message stresses the rehabilitating purpose of under eighteen years, and in its wording, Article 20 expressly states that "sanctions and consequences established by this law are intended to establish the liability of adolescents who commit criminal acts of so that the punishment part of a broad educational intervention aimed at full integration partner. ( Santiago appeals court role 728-2010, May 14, 2010 ) plus The Convention on the Rights of the Child considers the placement of children, as it involves deprivation of liberty should be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest time. ( Court of Appeals of Santiago Role 31798-2004, November 13. 2004), The breaches mentioned in this resource affect not only mental and physical health, but is violated the self-life personal and social media community generating resentment could also enhance the search for actions individual to express their discomfort. This, far from being a threat to be considered when monitoring the quality of life for children and adults in the community following the conflict which has been a party. With regard to child rearing can not transmit values and principles to children as they are formed in an atmosphere of ambivalence, because on one hand are taught one thing at home or school and everything else is violated predicate, leaving the children in a situation of lack of understanding of social agents are supposed to be protective. While this process may be experienced with the characteristics described in the result can never have on children normal development of their potential. Moreover, considering that the main source of care, protection and responsible for introducing them into their culture, values and norms of society, the family is seriously threatened. Must emphasize that Chile has signed the International Standards Declaration on the Rights of the Child, and in regard to the Community Cacique José Wink is not being met, but on the contrary, they have violated more than one of the rights, know some of them:


1: A child means every human being under 18 years of Dad, except that under the law applicable to him has come of age. None of the children of the community has come of age and is immersed in criminal activities so that they all are the subjects of protection of their rights.

Art N 2: States Parties shall respect the rights set forth in this Convention and ensure its implementation to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of race, color, sex, language , religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, economic position, disability, birth or other status of their parents or legal guardians.

States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected / a against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the status, activities, expressed opinions or beliefs of their parents or their guardians or relatives.

Art # 5: States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents or, where appropriate, members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, guardians or others responsible for the child, to provide, in line with the evolving capacities, appropriate direction and guidance for the child of the rights recognized in this Convention.

Art No. 8: States Parties undertake to respect the right of children to preserve their identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognized by law without unlawful interference.

When a child is illegally deprived of some of the elements of their identity or all States Parties shall render appropriate assistance and protection in order to quickly restore identity.

The Convention is the first human rights treaty (known for chile art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Constitution) that makes explicit reference to indigenous children as subjects and to exercise full rights as individuals or collectively their rights to culture, religion and indigenous language (Article 30). The Committee in its General Comment # 11 from 2009 on indigenous children, recognizing that children, indigenous children and adolescents are in a special situation of violation of their rights.

This is the same state that held a few months ago the first anniversary of the Juvenile Criminal Responsibility Law was a recognition that (after 20 years of signing the Convention) that children in conflict with the law require special treatment since they are children. The law of juvenile criminal responsibility is a special system of justice for young people between 16 and 18 which ensures they are processed by a specialized system that has as its goal the return of children to society, and not punishment.

So things Since there is a threat is imminent, order of the amparo remedy is to "take immediate measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure due protection of the affected."


We ask U.S.. I, on the basis of the above and to the provisions of Articles 1, 5 and 19 No. 2, 19 No. 7, art. 21 of the Constitution, Supreme Court Decision on Remedy of processing, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights or Pact of San José de Costa Rica, and other applicable rules, have filed habeas corpus protection against the second room Lustra Honorable Court, process it and ultimately be brought to the attention of those concerned and to bring this action for defense and U.S.. I immediately take the measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure personal freedom and individual security represented Luis Humberto Marileo my giving some of the cautionary Code art.155 Criminal Procedure.

FIRST ADDENDUM: I beg U.S.. I. together have the record of the settlement which was the subject of this action.

SECOND ADDENDUM: U.S. request. I. SS. trades:

- To the members of the second division in order to report on its resolution.

THIRD ADDENDUM: I pray SS. I. bear in mind that this resource tramitare personally because I am a lawyer authorized to practice the profession, residing at 43 Cross Street City de Collipulli.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Can I Take Mucinex And Nightquil

break through the glass ceiling

Like every year I treat myself "between the years" a few days off. For this I went to a place where no women hintrauen Pauerwimmen and feminists. Not to mention the legendary Alpha fairy tale. Oh, no, I mean alpha girls. But I think the same. In short, I allowed myself a break in a place that is shielded by the legendary glass ceiling in front of the aforementioned groups and Mutant female. Would not be necessary, because there is no coffee machine up here and also include a host of other difficulties, the woman as the devil shuns holy water.

a men paradise because this sucks and does not interfere Pauerwummen still alpha tales, uh alpha girl, or a different species from the feminist sphere ...

Up here, I go like every year in closed session to complete the one year and forward to the new year, as the saying goes, mentally, spiritually and morally ready. It is not only, but, first and foremost everything to the test, so to speak, what gives me discomfort. This in a sense, one anti-feminist, my commitment. The more or less permanent employment with the feminist demon gives me the sense of negation. As much as I feel like a mad (and) destructive feminism and its stringent Form of gender mainstreaming and should be eradicated, the more I feel that it can only go at the design stage. The perpetual repetition of the arguments against feminism and denouncing his misdeeds, can this dreadful scourge of humanity can not defeat alone. On the contrary, the monster draws it probably still force.

I will devote myself to my exam this year the question may seem like a constructive way for the eradication of feminism. As it currently appears to me, that question can be answered only in a pure about feminism far projecting context. What are the reasons and roots for feminism? Is it such as the radical secularization of Germany and Europe? To my current knowledge, this is the decisive factor in the spread of feminism be in our latitudes. In the interaction of the mutually reinforcing trends of secularization and prosperity of our decadence, and justified the accompanying invitation to feminism anyway sparse human basic properties are crumbling, which are vital to fruitful coexistence of people. That the world before this development was not a paradise, is not a secret. But now it's no secret that the chosen social Way also is almost the same as for millions of years: a human aberration in search of the lost paradise. So the kingdom of God, the home of bliss.

Are not these great Pauer women? Sorry, had not found with manly courage, the climbs really well. Therefore, the mix of photomontage and Art-work of art.

see this, paradise, can not be in the war of the sexes, but alone with each other and in love. Love your neighbor as Up the whole universe is itself the fact, except Alice Schwarzer and the other protagonists of feminism, the poodle, honest men and puppets of the feminists, and many more Genderisten people from many other reasons.

But what for the universe has only marginal importance for us men, a scourge and non painful. Only eradicate if you pull up with the roots of evil. probably faced a lengthy mammoth task given the world situation and in the main only by men (in cooperation with women?) . But how and on what Way?

all together a happy new year and all the very best in 2011.

PS: Finally, a small movies, which clearly shows why there is scaffolding in airy heights no Pauer women. And, as it is appointed in an emergency to the defensive strength of our country ...

author's note: The video shows how male soldiers their female comrades during an exercise must carry along. In an emergency, if these women Pauer but then not there, because it allowed only men to be shot dead. The exercises hamper preparation for a possible emergency, these ladies only the rehearsal of procedures, which latch in the defense case and the less demanding course, more deaths and injuries among men.

Can I Take Mucinex And Nightquil

break through the glass ceiling

Like every year I treat myself "between the years" a few days off. For this I went to a place where no women hintrauen Pauerwimmen and feminists. Not to mention the legendary Alpha fairy tale. Oh, no, I mean alpha girls. But I think the same. In short, I allowed myself a break in a place that is shielded by the legendary glass ceiling in front of the aforementioned groups and Mutant female. Would not be necessary, because there is no coffee machine up here and also include a host of other difficulties, the woman as the devil shuns holy water.

a men paradise because this sucks and does not interfere Pauerwummen still alpha tales, uh alpha girl, or a different species from the feminist sphere ...

Up here, I go like every year in closed session to complete the one year and forward to the new year, as the saying goes, mentally, spiritually and morally ready. It is not only, but, first and foremost everything to the test, so to speak, what gives me discomfort. This in a sense, one anti-feminist, my commitment. The more or less permanent employment with the feminist demon gives me the sense of negation. As much as I feel like a mad (and) destructive feminism and its stringent Form of gender mainstreaming and should be eradicated, the more I feel that it can only go at the design stage. The perpetual repetition of the arguments against feminism and denouncing his misdeeds, can this dreadful scourge of humanity can not defeat alone. On the contrary, the monster draws it probably still force.

I will devote myself to my exam this year the question may seem like a constructive way for the eradication of feminism. As it currently appears to me, that question can be answered only in a pure about feminism far projecting context. What are the reasons and roots for feminism? Is it such as the radical secularization of Germany and Europe? To my current knowledge, this is the decisive factor in the spread of feminism be in our latitudes. In the interaction of the mutually reinforcing trends of secularization and prosperity of our decadence, and justified the accompanying invitation to feminism anyway sparse human basic properties are crumbling, which are vital to fruitful coexistence of people. That the world before this development was not a paradise, is not a secret. But now it's no secret that the chosen social Way also is almost the same as for millions of years: a human aberration in search of the lost paradise. So the kingdom of God, the home of bliss.

Are not these great Pauer women? Sorry, had not found with manly courage, the climbs really well. Therefore, the mix of photomontage and Art-work of art.

see this, paradise, can not be in the war of the sexes, but alone with each other and in love. Love your neighbor as Up the whole universe is itself the fact, except Alice Schwarzer and the other protagonists of feminism, the poodle, honest men and puppets of the feminists, and many more Genderisten people from many other reasons.

But what for the universe has only marginal importance for us men, a scourge and non painful. Only eradicate if you pull up with the roots of evil. probably faced a lengthy mammoth task given the world situation and in the main only by men (in cooperation with women?) . But how and on what Way?

all together a happy new year and all the very best in 2011.

PS: Finally, a small movies, which clearly shows why there is scaffolding in airy heights no Pauer women. And, as it is appointed in an emergency to the defensive strength of our country ...

author's note: The video shows how male soldiers their female comrades during an exercise must carry along. In an emergency, if these women Pauer but then not there, because it allowed only men to be shot dead. The exercises hamper preparation for a possible emergency, these ladies only the rehearsal of procedures, which latch in the defense case and the less demanding course, more deaths and injuries among men.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pikachu Cheat Gpsphone

Merry Christmas!

In particular, I wished the many fathers who spend very often without family and without their children the best holiday of the year (have to)! My dear fellow sufferers despondent, and not turn you in your grief to him who was born this day 2010 years ago.

If the heart it is very difficult and very emotional situations, the doctor visited the trust or the free telephone counseling service under the

0800 - 1 11 01 11 / 0800 - 1 11 02 22 to call.

Pikachu Cheat Gpsphone

Merry Christmas!

In particular, I wished the many fathers who spend very often without family and without their children the best holiday of the year (have to)! My dear fellow sufferers despondent, and not turn you in your grief to him who was born this day 2010 years ago.

If the heart it is very difficult and very emotional situations, the doctor visited the trust or the free telephone counseling service under the

0800 - 1 11 01 11 / 0800 - 1 11 02 22 to call.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brazillian Waxing And Discharge

Why are primates smarter than feminists and Genderisten

Smarter than feminists and Genderisten!

On been reported in a scientific study of the realization that there is a conditional biologistically different behavior of female and male monkeys. In the scientific conclusion about the people, this means that the person a God and / or nature-given inner identity model has what is different in men and women. This is NOT instilled, but is basically in the nature of sex.

As a result, primates have the feminists and Genderisten well ahead and you see that people can develop quite well back. No monkey in the world would make an attempt to persuade the males of its kind that they have no penis but a vagina. As it Genderisten practice. Spiegel online reported it under the heading "The New Man". Below is the relevant excerpt:

played so dissent's staff in a project week with guys in Marzahn a "prejudice competition" should be at the end of the recognition that men and women differ much less than expected. There ensued a heated debate about whether girls pee standing up and show guys feelings can, sentences flew back and forth. In the end, threw the two people in front of a dissent-particularly self-conscious boy, "that he had a vagina, and only so do, as he was a boy," it says in the log.

are already sad figures, the architects of the New Man and for healthy people it is unbelievable how people can get lost this way. One can only explain it by saying that the motives of the Genderisten lie beyond any reason and thus the man as a rational, cognitive beings deeply discriminatory. Significantly, cavort among the followers and leaders of feminism and Genderismus many lesbians and gays, and people have the authenticity and integrity of no importance. They can, among other political, careerist, and tighten financial profile and from € political reasons before the cart of feminism and Genderismus . Others are possible from different emotional motives here.

all have in common, however, that one can not speak of healthy people. It has been written enough about it and everyone can form without my relevant citing a healthy assessment of the human impact of the feminists and Genderisten. In principle, says the scientific study of Sonya Kahlenberg from Bates College (Lewiston / US-Maine) and Richard Wrangham of Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.) from all. They had observed a group of chimpanzees in Kibale National Park in Uganda for 14 years and has drawn their scientific conclusions:

young mother with monkeys have feelings

Young girls play with dolls, boys with cars: As a man, including the chimpanzee, have found researchers. Young female chimps keep such a passion for sticks - from mother feelings.

girls prefer to play with dolls, boys prefer cars. This is proven by scientific studies - even in monkeys: in captive chimpanzees gave the females prefer dolls, while male counterparts were playing better with cars.
first time in the animal kingdom are American biologists now have a simple Form of puppetry in wild chimpanzees observed. Their female offspring, they write in the journal Current Biology , small wooden sticks to mother like babies - apparently in preparation for their future motherhood. Male chimpanzees exhibit this behavior are not.
The study shows for the first time in wild animals that male and female pups were playing differently, the researchers explain. This suggests that there was indeed a kind of biological preference for certain games and toys, and this even when people are not only a result of education is different.
Full review on here
Compared to the garbled pseudo-scientific assumptions - that fantasies and spinning - the feminists and Genderisten an absolutely meaningful and reliable scientific knowledge! Scientists have 14 years (!) Analyzed observations of chimpanzees.

feminism and Genderismus however, has not even the slightest trace of scientific principles, although they never seem happy to give back. This reminds me just a quote from Ernst Ferstl (Austrian teacher, poet and aphorist) a: ". The stupidity never goes out of fashion you can be the zeitgeist always buy new clothes."

Today with stupidity including the dress of feminism and Genderismus and it is more than appalling that so many of our supposedly enlightened society fall for it. Apparently a German (mass) phenomenon ...

Brazillian Waxing And Discharge

Why are primates smarter than feminists and Genderisten

Smarter than feminists and Genderisten!

On been reported in a scientific study of the realization that there is a conditional biologistically different behavior of female and male monkeys. In the scientific conclusion about the people, this means that the person a God and / or nature-given inner identity model has what is different in men and women. This is NOT instilled, but is basically in the nature of sex.

As a result, primates have the feminists and Genderisten well ahead and you see that people can develop quite well back. No monkey in the world would make an attempt to persuade the males of its kind that they have no penis but a vagina. As it Genderisten practice. Spiegel online reported it under the heading "The New Man". Below is the relevant excerpt:

played so dissent's staff in a project week with guys in Marzahn a "prejudice competition" should be at the end of the recognition that men and women differ much less than expected. There ensued a heated debate about whether girls pee standing up and show guys feelings can, sentences flew back and forth. In the end, threw the two people in front of a dissent-particularly self-conscious boy, "that he had a vagina, and only so do, as he was a boy," it says in the log.

are already sad figures, the architects of the New Man and for healthy people it is unbelievable how people can get lost this way. One can only explain it by saying that the motives of the Genderisten lie beyond any reason and thus the man as a rational, cognitive beings deeply discriminatory. Significantly, cavort among the followers and leaders of feminism and Genderismus many lesbians and gays, and people have the authenticity and integrity of no importance. They can, among other political, careerist, and tighten financial profile and from € political reasons before the cart of feminism and Genderismus . Others are possible from different emotional motives here.

all have in common, however, that one can not speak of healthy people. It has been written enough about it and everyone can form without my relevant citing a healthy assessment of the human impact of the feminists and Genderisten. In principle, says the scientific study of Sonya Kahlenberg from Bates College (Lewiston / US-Maine) and Richard Wrangham of Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.) from all. They had observed a group of chimpanzees in Kibale National Park in Uganda for 14 years and has drawn their scientific conclusions:

young mother with monkeys have feelings

Young girls play with dolls, boys with cars: As a man, including the chimpanzee, have found researchers. Young female chimps keep such a passion for sticks - from mother feelings.

girls prefer to play with dolls, boys prefer cars. This is proven by scientific studies - even in monkeys: in captive chimpanzees gave the females prefer dolls, while male counterparts were playing better with cars.
first time in the animal kingdom are American biologists now have a simple Form of puppetry in wild chimpanzees observed. Their female offspring, they write in the journal Current Biology , small wooden sticks to mother like babies - apparently in preparation for their future motherhood. Male chimpanzees exhibit this behavior are not.
The study shows for the first time in wild animals that male and female pups were playing differently, the researchers explain. This suggests that there was indeed a kind of biological preference for certain games and toys, and this even when people are not only a result of education is different.
Full review on here
Compared to the garbled pseudo-scientific assumptions - that fantasies and spinning - the feminists and Genderisten an absolutely meaningful and reliable scientific knowledge! Scientists have 14 years (!) Analyzed observations of chimpanzees.

feminism and Genderismus however, has not even the slightest trace of scientific principles, although they never seem happy to give back. This reminds me just a quote from Ernst Ferstl (Austrian teacher, poet and aphorist) a: ". The stupidity never goes out of fashion you can be the zeitgeist always buy new clothes."

Today with stupidity including the dress of feminism and Genderismus and it is more than appalling that so many of our supposedly enlightened society fall for it. Apparently a German (mass) phenomenon ...