Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stomach Bug And Farts

New Findings: As now, the chances of friendliness saves money?

What are his chances after the recent questionable history in his trial and the change of his lawyer?

The WORLD ONLINE today reported a surprising turn in the rape trial against Joerg Kachelmann:
Both lawyers have their terms of weather presenter resigns.
At least one of the two lawyers, Klaus Schroth, it rings of an understanding or at least expected decision. "I have no reason Mr tile man to be evil"
Instead, he criticized the prosecution and the witnesses in the trial. "It is the most remarkable process that I have ever had," said Schroth. He criticized the fact that some witnesses have signed exclusive contracts before their testimony with the media. "There threaten American standards. This is not the criminal, which I think is good. "

more than questionable if witnesses before their testimony in court checks in the hands of media that their" post story "then. This and some other suspicious circumstances values in the tile-man process is not only knowledgeable observers as an indication of a species Mainsttreamgerichtsbarkeit. Two Foristenkommentare to where the wegbekommt PAGE "court reporter" Schwarzer their fat:

The process is only an embarrassing farce of the German jurisdiction. Both parties and the media have totally stunned by and condemns in advance the accused and the Court and the defense ridiculed. The Mannheim prosecutor's conduct is impossible to Mr tile man and the witness. The magazines have to fill the cheap stuff to buy for their leaves. The old black witch storm was just embarrassing bloody stupid in their statements. With every word you could see her dry out and unsatisfied life. Her head went from probably unattainable dreams, hence their hatred of the weatherman.
Mr. Schwenn's seems to have a would-be star prosecutor, on the right track ... the STA the conditions are not very familiar with the criminal ! Appear! I guess that this state law itself requires a psychological evaluation ... he may be a remote-controlled mainstream investigators at an early age in the Authority to present for higher orders ... these are the worst shyster! Mr. Schwenn hope will be able to put the still open!!
link to the comments: here

also reported the WORLD:
The new defender Schwenn has already commented on the case of tile man. In the magazine "Cicero" he described the work of the investigating prosecutors as "amateurish Herumermitteln. It said Schwenn to a possible legal action from tile's "For the public prosecutor in Mannheim is (...) more at stake than a loss of face. award if the defendant is acquitted, he must court the right to compensation for the deprivation of liberty, "reads the" Cicero "report. "For the destruction of his reputation, which have inflicted the prosecutors through their just-aligning and amateurish Herumermitteln, would stand the state of Baden-Württemberg."
Source: http://www.welt.de/ Whether

Under these conditions, even an acquittal for tile man be?

That an acquittal for abuse of process is not necessarily innocent, and can then have dramatic consequences for the person who is clear from the example of
two men ...
... (quote WELT ONLINE) convicted of rape Osnabrück 1995/96 to lengthy prison sentences. The court had believed the depiction of a young woman from the heavy, repeated abuse, even though at the time of negotiation still had a hymen. Schwenn lawyer reached a recovery, but in 2004, when the verdict was finally cashed, it was too late: The men who had served their sentences and were broken people.
Source: http://www.welt.de
One must realize that: Two men convicted of sexual abuse, although because of intact hymen was not possible! What better proof that women use more faith will be given in court as men? Unbelievable!

In Kachelmann but the facts are totally different, and possibly much worse, especially in the case of his innocence. Well there is no uninjured hymen which could save him and also a huge mortgage exists for the judge to proclaim his innocence in the case of an acquittal for tile man. This is made up of one part of the prejudice of the mainstream court "in the media and on the other hand, could sue for tile man in the case of his acquittal possibly large sums by the prosecutor and the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Imagine the dilemma and the only time a loss of face for the public prosecutor in Mannheim before after all the failures and breakdowns in the case Kachelmman.

Is there a "back"? Whether the judges, an acquittal can easily go on the lips? He may simply not be innocent and condemned in any case? A glimmer of hope for tile man is sure his new lawyer, who may at some outstanding defenses, even in hopeless cases, to look back. For voltage is provided in any event and we hope that Justice is not lacking in their verdict ...


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