Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cause Of Very Thin Legs

egalitarianism is extreme socialism and forces us to totalitarianism

How can we make these two equal?

following is an excerpt from an excellent essay on the blog withdrawal from the EU I without further comment, since he speaks entirely for itself, publish here:

(...) The bourgeoisie is the dignity of the citizen. The citizen is neglected in the teaching of constitutional law, at least in Germany. The citizen is the central figure of the Republic, the liberal community.

civil equality in freedom
The citizen is defined by freedom. He is by nature free. Freedom is always and essentially political freedom, the freedom of the polis. It is the bourgeoisie of the citizen. The citizen is a member of a republic, a state in the constitution of the general freedom of the Free State, a state in the strict sense, as according to the constitutional laws of the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland, which is written as a Confederation, the cantons. All three countries are federal states. This strengthens the Republikanität by federal or vertical separation of powers. Germany and Austria are not a confederate republics, but federal republics, such as Germany calls his form of government.

With the freedom of the citizen and civil equality is connected. Freedom is always the general liberty. Everyone has the same freedom. The equality in freedom is the basic principle, which many say constitutional lawyers, too, but not really dogmatize. This leads to the equality, equality in rights, not a legal principle of equality. People are all very different. require no one can be equal to another person is or is about to happen or that he is treated like any other . This would not only sachwierig, if not impossible. It would be the differences of people deny and ignore. The egalitarianism is inhuman , especially if he goes so far that people are disadvantaged or even weakened, if not stronger or better than other or others.

The Lisbon Treaty called out, in Article 2 of the Treaty as one of the "values on which the Union is founded", "equality between women and men." This is hardly happen by accident, but is in the logic of gender mainstreaming that the "real equality" between men and women is the goal. Which man is really what woman be treated? Men and women are different not only from nature but are also regularly in different situations. feminism leads to the disregard of the nature .

The equality is only tolerable if the area of privacy is attributed that people can develop sufficiently in their diversity. egalitarianism not only stifles the free development of personality, a human right (Article 12 UDHR, article 2 paragraph 1 GG), but also the development of the community. is extreme socialism and egalitarianism forces us to totalitarianism. From the middle-of the citizen, he leaves much nothing.

There is no conflict between freedom and equality , as generally, by the Federal Constitutional Court, with the motto: The more freedom the less equality, and vice versa responsible (BVerfGE 5, 85 (206), constantly). There are equal freedoms, equal rights. Also this theme is based on a misunderstanding of freedom. Found

I found this excerpt here


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