Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lumineers After Braces

menores eng

video capture in a police car after the arrest of the minor prisoners of the Mapuche in Chile. They are tortured and anti-terrorism set after just because they are mapuche.

Lumineers After Braces

menores eng

video capture in a police car after the arrest of the minor prisoners of the Mapuche in Chile. They are tortured and anti-terrorism set after just because they are mapuche.

Stomach Bug And Farts

New Findings: As now, the chances of friendliness saves money?

What are his chances after the recent questionable history in his trial and the change of his lawyer?

The WORLD ONLINE today reported a surprising turn in the rape trial against Joerg Kachelmann:
Both lawyers have their terms of weather presenter resigns.
At least one of the two lawyers, Klaus Schroth, it rings of an understanding or at least expected decision. "I have no reason Mr tile man to be evil"
Instead, he criticized the prosecution and the witnesses in the trial. "It is the most remarkable process that I have ever had," said Schroth. He criticized the fact that some witnesses have signed exclusive contracts before their testimony with the media. "There threaten American standards. This is not the criminal, which I think is good. "

more than questionable if witnesses before their testimony in court checks in the hands of media that their" post story "then. This and some other suspicious circumstances values in the tile-man process is not only knowledgeable observers as an indication of a species Mainsttreamgerichtsbarkeit. Two Foristenkommentare to where the wegbekommt PAGE "court reporter" Schwarzer their fat:

The process is only an embarrassing farce of the German jurisdiction. Both parties and the media have totally stunned by and condemns in advance the accused and the Court and the defense ridiculed. The Mannheim prosecutor's conduct is impossible to Mr tile man and the witness. The magazines have to fill the cheap stuff to buy for their leaves. The old black witch storm was just embarrassing bloody stupid in their statements. With every word you could see her dry out and unsatisfied life. Her head went from probably unattainable dreams, hence their hatred of the weatherman.
Mr. Schwenn's seems to have a would-be star prosecutor, on the right track ... the STA the conditions are not very familiar with the criminal ! Appear! I guess that this state law itself requires a psychological evaluation ... he may be a remote-controlled mainstream investigators at an early age in the Authority to present for higher orders ... these are the worst shyster! Mr. Schwenn hope will be able to put the still open!!
link to the comments: here

also reported the WORLD:
The new defender Schwenn has already commented on the case of tile man. In the magazine "Cicero" he described the work of the investigating prosecutors as "amateurish Herumermitteln. It said Schwenn to a possible legal action from tile's "For the public prosecutor in Mannheim is (...) more at stake than a loss of face. award if the defendant is acquitted, he must court the right to compensation for the deprivation of liberty, "reads the" Cicero "report. "For the destruction of his reputation, which have inflicted the prosecutors through their just-aligning and amateurish Herumermitteln, would stand the state of Baden-Württemberg."
Source: http://www.welt.de/ Whether

Under these conditions, even an acquittal for tile man be?

That an acquittal for abuse of process is not necessarily innocent, and can then have dramatic consequences for the person who is clear from the example of
two men ...
... (quote WELT ONLINE) convicted of rape Osnabrück 1995/96 to lengthy prison sentences. The court had believed the depiction of a young woman from the heavy, repeated abuse, even though at the time of negotiation still had a hymen. Schwenn lawyer reached a recovery, but in 2004, when the verdict was finally cashed, it was too late: The men who had served their sentences and were broken people.
Source: http://www.welt.de
One must realize that: Two men convicted of sexual abuse, although because of intact hymen was not possible! What better proof that women use more faith will be given in court as men? Unbelievable!

In Kachelmann but the facts are totally different, and possibly much worse, especially in the case of his innocence. Well there is no uninjured hymen which could save him and also a huge mortgage exists for the judge to proclaim his innocence in the case of an acquittal for tile man. This is made up of one part of the prejudice of the mainstream court "in the media and on the other hand, could sue for tile man in the case of his acquittal possibly large sums by the prosecutor and the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Imagine the dilemma and the only time a loss of face for the public prosecutor in Mannheim before after all the failures and breakdowns in the case Kachelmman.

Is there a "back"? Whether the judges, an acquittal can easily go on the lips? He may simply not be innocent and condemned in any case? A glimmer of hope for tile man is sure his new lawyer, who may at some outstanding defenses, even in hopeless cases, to look back. For voltage is provided in any event and we hope that Justice is not lacking in their verdict ...

Stomach Bug And Farts

New Findings: As now, the chances of friendliness saves money?

What are his chances after the recent questionable history in his trial and the change of his lawyer?

The WORLD ONLINE today reported a surprising turn in the rape trial against Joerg Kachelmann:
Both lawyers have their terms of weather presenter resigns.
At least one of the two lawyers, Klaus Schroth, it rings of an understanding or at least expected decision. "I have no reason Mr tile man to be evil"
Instead, he criticized the prosecution and the witnesses in the trial. "It is the most remarkable process that I have ever had," said Schroth. He criticized the fact that some witnesses have signed exclusive contracts before their testimony with the media. "There threaten American standards. This is not the criminal, which I think is good. "

more than questionable if witnesses before their testimony in court checks in the hands of media that their" post story "then. This and some other suspicious circumstances values in the tile-man process is not only knowledgeable observers as an indication of a species Mainsttreamgerichtsbarkeit. Two Foristenkommentare to where the wegbekommt PAGE "court reporter" Schwarzer their fat:

The process is only an embarrassing farce of the German jurisdiction. Both parties and the media have totally stunned by and condemns in advance the accused and the Court and the defense ridiculed. The Mannheim prosecutor's conduct is impossible to Mr tile man and the witness. The magazines have to fill the cheap stuff to buy for their leaves. The old black witch storm was just embarrassing bloody stupid in their statements. With every word you could see her dry out and unsatisfied life. Her head went from probably unattainable dreams, hence their hatred of the weatherman.
Mr. Schwenn's seems to have a would-be star prosecutor, on the right track ... the STA the conditions are not very familiar with the criminal ! Appear! I guess that this state law itself requires a psychological evaluation ... he may be a remote-controlled mainstream investigators at an early age in the Authority to present for higher orders ... these are the worst shyster! Mr. Schwenn hope will be able to put the still open!!
link to the comments: here

also reported the WORLD:
The new defender Schwenn has already commented on the case of tile man. In the magazine "Cicero" he described the work of the investigating prosecutors as "amateurish Herumermitteln. It said Schwenn to a possible legal action from tile's "For the public prosecutor in Mannheim is (...) more at stake than a loss of face. award if the defendant is acquitted, he must court the right to compensation for the deprivation of liberty, "reads the" Cicero "report. "For the destruction of his reputation, which have inflicted the prosecutors through their just-aligning and amateurish Herumermitteln, would stand the state of Baden-Württemberg."
Source: http://www.welt.de/ Whether

Under these conditions, even an acquittal for tile man be?

That an acquittal for abuse of process is not necessarily innocent, and can then have dramatic consequences for the person who is clear from the example of
two men ...
... (quote WELT ONLINE) convicted of rape Osnabrück 1995/96 to lengthy prison sentences. The court had believed the depiction of a young woman from the heavy, repeated abuse, even though at the time of negotiation still had a hymen. Schwenn lawyer reached a recovery, but in 2004, when the verdict was finally cashed, it was too late: The men who had served their sentences and were broken people.
Source: http://www.welt.de
One must realize that: Two men convicted of sexual abuse, although because of intact hymen was not possible! What better proof that women use more faith will be given in court as men? Unbelievable!

In Kachelmann but the facts are totally different, and possibly much worse, especially in the case of his innocence. Well there is no uninjured hymen which could save him and also a huge mortgage exists for the judge to proclaim his innocence in the case of an acquittal for tile man. This is made up of one part of the prejudice of the mainstream court "in the media and on the other hand, could sue for tile man in the case of his acquittal possibly large sums by the prosecutor and the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Imagine the dilemma and the only time a loss of face for the public prosecutor in Mannheim before after all the failures and breakdowns in the case Kachelmman.

Is there a "back"? Whether the judges, an acquittal can easily go on the lips? He may simply not be innocent and condemned in any case? A glimmer of hope for tile man is sure his new lawyer, who may at some outstanding defenses, even in hopeless cases, to look back. For voltage is provided in any event and we hope that Justice is not lacking in their verdict ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Does A Scorpio Man In Love Behave

soft Eight Special # 1: Frasier - A Christmas Miracle (S01E12 1x12))

Original Title: Miracle On Third Or Fourth Street

The Christmas comedy special on "Comedy Kucken": Every Sunday of Advent is a special comedy Christmas episode to you the wait for the Christ child (or whomever) to sweeten! Have fun!

link to the episode guide - Link to IMDb entry
At Christmas Frasier is happy to spend the holidays with his son. But that is unfortunately already scheduled elsewhere. Frustrated, Frasier takes over the Christmas shift in the transmitter, rather than in a cabin in the woods to celebrate with Niles. At dinner after work but then there is a special event, but of course that goes back a little in my mouth.

Part 1

S c h o n s c h ö n a l l e G s e c h e n k e e g a k f u t ?

Part 2

Part 3

How Does A Scorpio Man In Love Behave

soft Eight Special # 1: Frasier - A Christmas Miracle (S01E12 1x12))

Original Title: Miracle On Third Or Fourth Street

The Christmas comedy special on "Comedy Kucken": Every Sunday of Advent is a special comedy Christmas episode to you the wait for the Christ child (or whomever) to sweeten! Have fun!

link to the episode guide - Link to IMDb entry
At Christmas Frasier is happy to spend the holidays with his son. But that is unfortunately already scheduled elsewhere. Frustrated, Frasier takes over the Christmas shift in the transmitter, rather than in a cabin in the woods to celebrate with Niles. At dinner after work but then there is a special event, but of course that goes back a little in my mouth.

Part 1

S c h o n s c h ö n a l l e G s e c h e n k e e g a k f u t ?

Part 2

Part 3

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why A Landing Strip Wax

Chile "We ask for human rights monitors "Natividad Llanquileo

Natividad Llanquileo, spokesperson for the Mapuche prisoners calls, now human rights monitors aus dem Ausland. mehr lesen
Quelle: wormblog.de

Why A Landing Strip Wax

Chile "We ask for human rights monitors "Natividad Llanquileo

Natividad Llanquileo, spokesperson for the Mapuche prisoners calls, now human rights monitors aus dem Ausland. mehr lesen
Quelle: wormblog.de

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cause Of Very Thin Legs

egalitarianism is extreme socialism and forces us to totalitarianism

How can we make these two equal?

following is an excerpt from an excellent essay on the blog withdrawal from the EU I without further comment, since he speaks entirely for itself, publish here:

(...) The bourgeoisie is the dignity of the citizen. The citizen is neglected in the teaching of constitutional law, at least in Germany. The citizen is the central figure of the Republic, the liberal community.

civil equality in freedom
The citizen is defined by freedom. He is by nature free. Freedom is always and essentially political freedom, the freedom of the polis. It is the bourgeoisie of the citizen. The citizen is a member of a republic, a state in the constitution of the general freedom of the Free State, a state in the strict sense, as according to the constitutional laws of the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland, which is written as a Confederation, the cantons. All three countries are federal states. This strengthens the Republikanität by federal or vertical separation of powers. Germany and Austria are not a confederate republics, but federal republics, such as Germany calls his form of government.

With the freedom of the citizen and civil equality is connected. Freedom is always the general liberty. Everyone has the same freedom. The equality in freedom is the basic principle, which many say constitutional lawyers, too, but not really dogmatize. This leads to the equality, equality in rights, not a legal principle of equality. People are all very different. require no one can be equal to another person is or is about to happen or that he is treated like any other . This would not only sachwierig, if not impossible. It would be the differences of people deny and ignore. The egalitarianism is inhuman , especially if he goes so far that people are disadvantaged or even weakened, if not stronger or better than other or others.

The Lisbon Treaty called out, in Article 2 of the Treaty as one of the "values on which the Union is founded", "equality between women and men." This is hardly happen by accident, but is in the logic of gender mainstreaming that the "real equality" between men and women is the goal. Which man is really what woman be treated? Men and women are different not only from nature but are also regularly in different situations. feminism leads to the disregard of the nature .

The equality is only tolerable if the area of privacy is attributed that people can develop sufficiently in their diversity. egalitarianism not only stifles the free development of personality, a human right (Article 12 UDHR, article 2 paragraph 1 GG), but also the development of the community. is extreme socialism and egalitarianism forces us to totalitarianism. From the middle-of the citizen, he leaves much nothing.

There is no conflict between freedom and equality , as generally, by the Federal Constitutional Court, with the motto: The more freedom the less equality, and vice versa responsible (BVerfGE 5, 85 (206), constantly). There are equal freedoms, equal rights. Also this theme is based on a misunderstanding of freedom. Found

I found this excerpt here

Cause Of Very Thin Legs

egalitarianism is extreme socialism and forces us to totalitarianism

How can we make these two equal?

following is an excerpt from an excellent essay on the blog withdrawal from the EU I without further comment, since he speaks entirely for itself, publish here:

(...) The bourgeoisie is the dignity of the citizen. The citizen is neglected in the teaching of constitutional law, at least in Germany. The citizen is the central figure of the Republic, the liberal community.

civil equality in freedom
The citizen is defined by freedom. He is by nature free. Freedom is always and essentially political freedom, the freedom of the polis. It is the bourgeoisie of the citizen. The citizen is a member of a republic, a state in the constitution of the general freedom of the Free State, a state in the strict sense, as according to the constitutional laws of the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland, which is written as a Confederation, the cantons. All three countries are federal states. This strengthens the Republikanität by federal or vertical separation of powers. Germany and Austria are not a confederate republics, but federal republics, such as Germany calls his form of government.

With the freedom of the citizen and civil equality is connected. Freedom is always the general liberty. Everyone has the same freedom. The equality in freedom is the basic principle, which many say constitutional lawyers, too, but not really dogmatize. This leads to the equality, equality in rights, not a legal principle of equality. People are all very different. require no one can be equal to another person is or is about to happen or that he is treated like any other . This would not only sachwierig, if not impossible. It would be the differences of people deny and ignore. The egalitarianism is inhuman , especially if he goes so far that people are disadvantaged or even weakened, if not stronger or better than other or others.

The Lisbon Treaty called out, in Article 2 of the Treaty as one of the "values on which the Union is founded", "equality between women and men." This is hardly happen by accident, but is in the logic of gender mainstreaming that the "real equality" between men and women is the goal. Which man is really what woman be treated? Men and women are different not only from nature but are also regularly in different situations. feminism leads to the disregard of the nature .

The equality is only tolerable if the area of privacy is attributed that people can develop sufficiently in their diversity. egalitarianism not only stifles the free development of personality, a human right (Article 12 UDHR, article 2 paragraph 1 GG), but also the development of the community. is extreme socialism and egalitarianism forces us to totalitarianism. From the middle-of the citizen, he leaves much nothing.

There is no conflict between freedom and equality , as generally, by the Federal Constitutional Court, with the motto: The more freedom the less equality, and vice versa responsible (BVerfGE 5, 85 (206), constantly). There are equal freedoms, equal rights. Also this theme is based on a misunderstanding of freedom. Found

I found this excerpt here

Skinny Women With Large Boobs

Imprisoned Mapuche minors are interviewed in Chol Chol jail - November 2010

Luis, Cristian, Jose, we wanted to hear in your own words what the situation you’re facing is really like.

I’ll start. My name is Cristian Alexis Cayupán Morales , of the Lof [family] Muko. I have been here for more than 11 months waiting while the court hearing is being prepared. It has been put back again and again. My Dad has been sick with terminal cancer for some years now, and I don’t like having to be away from him. I think that there has been much injustice done us children, us minors. For example, when I was arrested they tortured me, they threatened to harm my family. They beat me, they tortured me physically and psychologically. The time here passes with much sadness, there is so much pain here. Despite everything we’ve done: writing and going on a hunger strike, we’re still here. And we will go on resisting as much as we can, because there is nothing more we can do: we’re here, we’re captive, and we just have to fight back with what strength we have, with your minds, and by asking the support of the people who read this. What we want to do is talk about the injustice that was done us Mapuche children, to the Mapuche people. We do not want what happened us to happen to our brothers, our children, our grandchildren.

What is happening today, Cristian, in your community?

In my community today there are no young people left, there are only the mothers, the grandmothers, the small children. They’re the ones who remained; and they’re they ones who are still suffering oppression. And the oppressors are still looking for more children to deceive, from whom they try to extract information with threats.

What kind of falsehoods are happening to the children in the communities?

They give presents to the small children, toys, cookies, sweets, and then they ask them questions, they come to see them in school and if they spy them in the street they interrogate them and threaten them.

What are your thoughts now, almost two months after the end of the hunger strike?

I did not join the strike because my Dad is ill or because we have financial problems. But what I find unjust is that young people like we had to go on a hunger strike as the only way to achieve some things, although in the end we achieved almost nothing. We had to risk the lives of adults and also of children for that.

Luis, can you tell us about yourself and your situation?

My name is Luis Marileo Maniqueo , and I am of the community Cacique Jose Guiñón in the Ercilla area. I have already been in this place for almost seven months. I can see that grave injustices have been committed against us, because our rights have not been respected at all.

They took us out of our schools, they took us away from our families, they tortured us, they accused us of being terrorists which we are not. And they’re holding us prisoners here. Remember that our comrade Leonardo Quijón arrived here one day, wounded in his leg, and that he spent about six months here. He managed to demonstrate his innocence at his hearing, but nobody took responsibility for the six months that he spent in jail, all the psychological damage that was done to him, and which is being done to us as well. In reality you can’t make good that kind of damage that is done to us where we’re being kept prisoners and we know that there isn’t a country in the where minors have been accused of being terrorists. So why we? I took part in the hunger strike. I spent 42 days without tasting food. The government told us that they suspended the Antiterrorism Act, but when we requested to see the classified information, they wouldn’t let us because there has been no real change made to the Act, not enough. The government has deceived us, the children and minors, because we’re still accused of terrorism charges. They won’t let us go. We’re being accused by nameless witnesses who are shielded and who make false accusation. There is no way of proving that we took part in what they accuse us of. The truth is that we’re here because a witness whom nobody knows got it into their head to say that we’re guilty. I say to you that we never have taken part in any violent acts, we are students. I was in third grade in college and was working to enable me to study. Last year, I hadn’t been there for a week when they came for me and I’ve not been able to go back [to college]. Nobody cares about all the work and the efforts made by my Mum and my whole family so that I could study. The government does not respect our right to study and to be with our families, they don’t respect nothing at all.

You took part in the hunger strike, what things were achieved?

My impression is that some things have changed, others are still the same, like what Cristian said that they still use the Act on us although we’re minors. In my case, my Dad requested the classified information, and although we won with two judges who voted in favour and only one judge who voted against my freedom, it was not granted because under the Antiterrorism Act, all three have to be in favour.

Jose, can you tell us about yourself and why you held in this centre?

I am here because they accuse to me of being a terrorist because I am Mapuche. I am here because I think differently, because my culture is different, because my thinking is different, because I am from a community that is engaged in the conflict, a place where the Chilean state is in conflict with the community because it does not give us back our land. Ever since I have been a child, my community has been oppressed by the state. I’m a prisoner here because there was no one else left in the communities who they could have arrested. Because all the adults are prisoners, now they are locking up the children. They are locking us up and I don’t know who they’re going to jail next because there’s nobody left in the communities, only the women and the old ones, they have been spared. We have been here for months and there is more to come and we’re already sick of it, but there are more months yet because they did not change the Act as they promised, it did not do us any good. They told us that we would not be accused of terrorism any more, but we’re still being called terrorists. They haven’t touched the classified information, nothing, none of our rights have been respected. I took part in the hunger strike because I thought that things would finally change. I stopped my hunger strike because my family was worried, and also because I believed what the government said, that everything would be worked out. In the end non of it was true, we were deceived again, we were deceived with false words. They said that the Antiterrorism Act had been suspended, but we’re still here, and who knows how much more time we will have to spend here?

What message would you like to give to young Mapuche people, and to those others who are going to read these words?

My message is that they should not be afraid, that they need not be afraid, jail is not going to shut up our people. This is a battle which we must win. They must not be scared because we are in jail. I would ask the youth to support to us from the outside, to support to us in one way or another; that is what I would ask of everybody, that they give us their support. This is what I want to communicate to the youth people: that they support to us, that we are still strong despite everything that happened to us. That maybe today we are being tortured and persecuted for being Mapuche, but that is not reason enough to give up the struggle. I hope that people who are reading this sitting in their houses will do something for us, so that what happened to us will not happen to their children who are free. I would ask them to help us regain our freedom, and to help that what happened to us won’t happen to other children, so that their families don’t have to go through what our families are going through. I would ask them to help that these injustices are not repeated, the torture, the falsehoods, the persecution that means that children cannot live like children: so that children have all the rights that they should have (to live with their family, to being able to study and make something of their life). I ask all people for their help and support. We’re being held here. We don’t want what happened us to happen to our brothers, our children, our grandchildren, to anyone of our blood, Which is the Mapuche blood.

Skinny Women With Large Boobs

Imprisoned Mapuche minors are interviewed in Chol Chol jail - November 2010

Luis, Cristian, Jose, we wanted to hear in your own words what the situation you’re facing is really like.

I’ll start. My name is Cristian Alexis Cayupán Morales , of the Lof [family] Muko. I have been here for more than 11 months waiting while the court hearing is being prepared. It has been put back again and again. My Dad has been sick with terminal cancer for some years now, and I don’t like having to be away from him. I think that there has been much injustice done us children, us minors. For example, when I was arrested they tortured me, they threatened to harm my family. They beat me, they tortured me physically and psychologically. The time here passes with much sadness, there is so much pain here. Despite everything we’ve done: writing and going on a hunger strike, we’re still here. And we will go on resisting as much as we can, because there is nothing more we can do: we’re here, we’re captive, and we just have to fight back with what strength we have, with your minds, and by asking the support of the people who read this. What we want to do is talk about the injustice that was done us Mapuche children, to the Mapuche people. We do not want what happened us to happen to our brothers, our children, our grandchildren.

What is happening today, Cristian, in your community?

In my community today there are no young people left, there are only the mothers, the grandmothers, the small children. They’re the ones who remained; and they’re they ones who are still suffering oppression. And the oppressors are still looking for more children to deceive, from whom they try to extract information with threats.

What kind of falsehoods are happening to the children in the communities?

They give presents to the small children, toys, cookies, sweets, and then they ask them questions, they come to see them in school and if they spy them in the street they interrogate them and threaten them.

What are your thoughts now, almost two months after the end of the hunger strike?

I did not join the strike because my Dad is ill or because we have financial problems. But what I find unjust is that young people like we had to go on a hunger strike as the only way to achieve some things, although in the end we achieved almost nothing. We had to risk the lives of adults and also of children for that.

Luis, can you tell us about yourself and your situation?

My name is Luis Marileo Maniqueo , and I am of the community Cacique Jose Guiñón in the Ercilla area. I have already been in this place for almost seven months. I can see that grave injustices have been committed against us, because our rights have not been respected at all.

They took us out of our schools, they took us away from our families, they tortured us, they accused us of being terrorists which we are not. And they’re holding us prisoners here. Remember that our comrade Leonardo Quijón arrived here one day, wounded in his leg, and that he spent about six months here. He managed to demonstrate his innocence at his hearing, but nobody took responsibility for the six months that he spent in jail, all the psychological damage that was done to him, and which is being done to us as well. In reality you can’t make good that kind of damage that is done to us where we’re being kept prisoners and we know that there isn’t a country in the where minors have been accused of being terrorists. So why we? I took part in the hunger strike. I spent 42 days without tasting food. The government told us that they suspended the Antiterrorism Act, but when we requested to see the classified information, they wouldn’t let us because there has been no real change made to the Act, not enough. The government has deceived us, the children and minors, because we’re still accused of terrorism charges. They won’t let us go. We’re being accused by nameless witnesses who are shielded and who make false accusation. There is no way of proving that we took part in what they accuse us of. The truth is that we’re here because a witness whom nobody knows got it into their head to say that we’re guilty. I say to you that we never have taken part in any violent acts, we are students. I was in third grade in college and was working to enable me to study. Last year, I hadn’t been there for a week when they came for me and I’ve not been able to go back [to college]. Nobody cares about all the work and the efforts made by my Mum and my whole family so that I could study. The government does not respect our right to study and to be with our families, they don’t respect nothing at all.

You took part in the hunger strike, what things were achieved?

My impression is that some things have changed, others are still the same, like what Cristian said that they still use the Act on us although we’re minors. In my case, my Dad requested the classified information, and although we won with two judges who voted in favour and only one judge who voted against my freedom, it was not granted because under the Antiterrorism Act, all three have to be in favour.

Jose, can you tell us about yourself and why you held in this centre?

I am here because they accuse to me of being a terrorist because I am Mapuche. I am here because I think differently, because my culture is different, because my thinking is different, because I am from a community that is engaged in the conflict, a place where the Chilean state is in conflict with the community because it does not give us back our land. Ever since I have been a child, my community has been oppressed by the state. I’m a prisoner here because there was no one else left in the communities who they could have arrested. Because all the adults are prisoners, now they are locking up the children. They are locking us up and I don’t know who they’re going to jail next because there’s nobody left in the communities, only the women and the old ones, they have been spared. We have been here for months and there is more to come and we’re already sick of it, but there are more months yet because they did not change the Act as they promised, it did not do us any good. They told us that we would not be accused of terrorism any more, but we’re still being called terrorists. They haven’t touched the classified information, nothing, none of our rights have been respected. I took part in the hunger strike because I thought that things would finally change. I stopped my hunger strike because my family was worried, and also because I believed what the government said, that everything would be worked out. In the end non of it was true, we were deceived again, we were deceived with false words. They said that the Antiterrorism Act had been suspended, but we’re still here, and who knows how much more time we will have to spend here?

What message would you like to give to young Mapuche people, and to those others who are going to read these words?

My message is that they should not be afraid, that they need not be afraid, jail is not going to shut up our people. This is a battle which we must win. They must not be scared because we are in jail. I would ask the youth to support to us from the outside, to support to us in one way or another; that is what I would ask of everybody, that they give us their support. This is what I want to communicate to the youth people: that they support to us, that we are still strong despite everything that happened to us. That maybe today we are being tortured and persecuted for being Mapuche, but that is not reason enough to give up the struggle. I hope that people who are reading this sitting in their houses will do something for us, so that what happened to us will not happen to their children who are free. I would ask them to help us regain our freedom, and to help that what happened to us won’t happen to other children, so that their families don’t have to go through what our families are going through. I would ask them to help that these injustices are not repeated, the torture, the falsehoods, the persecution that means that children cannot live like children: so that children have all the rights that they should have (to live with their family, to being able to study and make something of their life). I ask all people for their help and support. We’re being held here. We don’t want what happened us to happen to our brothers, our children, our grandchildren, to anyone of our blood, Which is the Mapuche blood.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cmmi What Comes First Opd Or Opf

man model choice wins against 50 000 female would-be beauty

SPON reported today about a model choice, which has won the only participating men against 50 000 would-be beauty from the girls' and women's World:
The mail order company Otto held a competition on Facebook, 50,000 would-be Models made with - and won a business student in the nasty woman dresses. In the interview, Sascha Moers tells alias "The Brian" as a joke was a Web-wave and how the competition respond.

With a photo competition, the Otto mail order company in the past week has been looking for a face to his fan page on Facebook. Nearly 50,000 ambitious would-be models loaded pictures up, a (r) stole the show: "The Brian", a creature with flash orange wig and feather boa, bright blue eyeshadow and miniskirt.

23 000 users voted for "The Brian". This is based Sascha Moers, 22 The Koblenz business student in the Women Fummel was named on Monday as the winner.

(...) Brigitte's triumph provides - typically modeling industry - on Facebook for cat fight. A number of real participants are angry that the fake figure moved past them. The show it with vicious anti-Brigitte-comments and expressions of solidarity with Klara Weissensel, 19, from Schweinfurt. She would have won with more than 16,000 votes to competition, were it not for the rival with the Puschelboa been. "Even my own friends have initially voted for Brian because they were funny," says Abiturientin Clara. "When they overtook me actually, I was disappointed a bit."
Source: SPON
Well girls, stupid. First you let a man beat you in your best discipline and then you have - just as we expect from you - not even a little sportsmanship. Somehow already poor. The perceived millions of women officers, equality officers, chairs of gender research and develop a myriad of institutions that gender studies, you have not saved from a man beating on you very own territory. The evil men do, but also stop at nothing to make victims of women. But wait times, which is really discrimination or is not the whole, the trend of gender mainstreaming? If that already have the first results from the fact that the boys crochet learn in kindergarten and the girls play football? Then you must wonder you do not. Or?

However, it would be almost laughable, if gender mainstreaming was not what it is: The destruction of the male sex change through political! But a little smile I must know ...

Cmmi What Comes First Opd Or Opf

man model choice wins against 50 000 female would-be beauty

SPON reported today about a model choice, which has won the only participating men against 50 000 would-be beauty from the girls' and women's World:
The mail order company Otto held a competition on Facebook, 50,000 would-be Models made with - and won a business student in the nasty woman dresses. In the interview, Sascha Moers tells alias "The Brian" as a joke was a Web-wave and how the competition respond.

With a photo competition, the Otto mail order company in the past week has been looking for a face to his fan page on Facebook. Nearly 50,000 ambitious would-be models loaded pictures up, a (r) stole the show: "The Brian", a creature with flash orange wig and feather boa, bright blue eyeshadow and miniskirt.

23 000 users voted for "The Brian". This is based Sascha Moers, 22 The Koblenz business student in the Women Fummel was named on Monday as the winner.

(...) Brigitte's triumph provides - typically modeling industry - on Facebook for cat fight. A number of real participants are angry that the fake figure moved past them. The show it with vicious anti-Brigitte-comments and expressions of solidarity with Klara Weissensel, 19, from Schweinfurt. She would have won with more than 16,000 votes to competition, were it not for the rival with the Puschelboa been. "Even my own friends have initially voted for Brian because they were funny," says Abiturientin Clara. "When they overtook me actually, I was disappointed a bit."
Source: SPON
Well girls, stupid. First you let a man beat you in your best discipline and then you have - just as we expect from you - not even a little sportsmanship. Somehow already poor. The perceived millions of women officers, equality officers, chairs of gender research and develop a myriad of institutions that gender studies, you have not saved from a man beating on you very own territory. The evil men do, but also stop at nothing to make victims of women. But wait times, which is really discrimination or is not the whole, the trend of gender mainstreaming? If that already have the first results from the fact that the boys crochet learn in kindergarten and the girls play football? Then you must wonder you do not. Or?

However, it would be almost laughable, if gender mainstreaming was not what it is: The destruction of the male sex change through political! But a little smile I must know ...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Many People Survive Bone Cancer

Pirate Party: The Equality lunatics want "marriage light"

If such people raise (?) Children?
The Pirate Party has one - for healthy people - imposed immeasurable program (!):
At their party conference in Chemnitz, the Pirate Party has given a general program on the weekend across the internet policy - in which she also calls for the equality of gays and lesbians.

Participants decided "a program for Queer and family policy that makes even the Greens seem conservative," Bishop said Florian from Berlin's state committee. Of the 12,000 members, 540 took part in the congress.

The pirates set in the future to ensure, in principle, equivalent to all partnerships - including those that consist of more than two people. The special protection that currently enjoys the marriage do away with the Pirates in favor of the protection of families in which children grow up.

ask specifically, the Pirates' full legal equality between marriage and registered partnership. " The partnership is to be converted into a civil pact on the French model - that is a slightly einzugehende and re-dissolve "Before Light" which is open to everyone - even people who want to live in a polygamous relationship, "concepts of expansion of the registered partnership to a registered partnership by more than two persons must be developed and implemented.
Source: http://www.queer.de/detail.php?article_id=13206

shoot this lunatic please complete on the moon - without a return ticket! There they can indulge me out of their filth and organize their Love Parade. What more can I say this not least at the moment.

How Many People Survive Bone Cancer

Pirate Party: The Equality lunatics want "marriage light"

If such people raise (?) Children?
The Pirate Party has one - for healthy people - imposed immeasurable program (!):
At their party conference in Chemnitz, the Pirate Party has given a general program on the weekend across the internet policy - in which she also calls for the equality of gays and lesbians.

Participants decided "a program for Queer and family policy that makes even the Greens seem conservative," Bishop said Florian from Berlin's state committee. Of the 12,000 members, 540 took part in the congress.

The pirates set in the future to ensure, in principle, equivalent to all partnerships - including those that consist of more than two people. The special protection that currently enjoys the marriage do away with the Pirates in favor of the protection of families in which children grow up.

ask specifically, the Pirates' full legal equality between marriage and registered partnership. " The partnership is to be converted into a civil pact on the French model - that is a slightly einzugehende and re-dissolve "Before Light" which is open to everyone - even people who want to live in a polygamous relationship, "concepts of expansion of the registered partnership to a registered partnership by more than two persons must be developed and implemented.
Source: http://www.queer.de/detail.php?article_id=13206

shoot this lunatic please complete on the moon - without a return ticket! There they can indulge me out of their filth and organize their Love Parade. What more can I say this not least at the moment.

Raven Riley & Kate Movies

Bestialisch: rape 10 women, 17-year-old boy

In Papua New Guinea attacked 10 women as there are animals about a young man and raped him. They may have infected him with AIDS. Below, the German translation of the message on news.com:
A 17-year-old boy from a village in Papua New Guinea, from 10 knife-wielding women who were raped, the police reported.

As the police commander Teddy Tei by the Southern Highlands Province Police said the gang of women attacked the student on the outskirts of the provincial capital of Mendi on Friday.

"This is a serious matter and the police are trying to determine who these animals," he said.

"More than 10 women with a kitchen knife attacked the boy and four women had sex with him." The boy then went to the hospital for treatment.

feared police commander Tei, the women could have infected the young man with HIV / AIDS: "HIV / AIDS is a problem in PNG and I fear the women have become infected. I have always warned women to be careful at night, but now I will also warn men "

source. Www.news.com.au

Read more: (!) here

Raven Riley & Kate Movies

Bestialisch: rape 10 women, 17-year-old boy

In Papua New Guinea attacked 10 women as there are animals about a young man and raped him. They may have infected him with AIDS. Below, the German translation of the message on news.com:
A 17-year-old boy from a village in Papua New Guinea, from 10 knife-wielding women who were raped, the police reported.

As the police commander Teddy Tei by the Southern Highlands Province Police said the gang of women attacked the student on the outskirts of the provincial capital of Mendi on Friday.

"This is a serious matter and the police are trying to determine who these animals," he said.

"More than 10 women with a kitchen knife attacked the boy and four women had sex with him." The boy then went to the hospital for treatment.

feared police commander Tei, the women could have infected the young man with HIV / AIDS: "HIV / AIDS is a problem in PNG and I fear the women have become infected. I have always warned women to be careful at night, but now I will also warn men "

source. Www.news.com.au

Read more: (!) here

Monday, November 22, 2010

Coughed Up Huge Mucous Growth

Frasier - The death looks good on him (S01E11 1x11)

Original title: Death Becomes Him

link to the episode guide - Link to IMDb entry
After much persuasion is Frasier's father Martin at last to the doctor. The doctor, however, before blessing the temporal. Frasier is then alerted that the Doc had his age. He starts to ponder and nerves the whole family with it. A visit to the funeral of the deceased will not help because ...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Coughed Up Huge Mucous Growth

Frasier - The death looks good on him (S01E11 1x11)

Original title: Death Becomes Him

link to the episode guide - Link to IMDb entry
After much persuasion is Frasier's father Martin at last to the doctor. The doctor, however, before blessing the temporal. Frasier is then alerted that the Doc had his age. He starts to ponder and nerves the whole family with it. A visit to the funeral of the deceased will not help because ...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Nursery Closet Organizer

too early to start, what a "good Falschbeschuldigerin" will be!

In principle incomprehensible A 7-year-old girl sexual invents of 4 men and withdraw it during the course of the investigations their details . ... But how many false accusations have not been revealed and have - at least most - the life of respectable men destroyed? How many police officers, lawyers, prosecutors and judges have fallen forward to the women lying in the nature of victim mentality? Especially if underage brats deduct their show?

At this level there is still a great need for education. Instead of wasting our tax dollars with gender studies, they should contribute to education and prevention of false accusations regarding sex crimes are used!

There is obviously a great need to add that if even 7-year-old girl to most perfidious means to ..., actually yes to what? Why do girls and women do such a thing? The motives are completely of a different nature, but from the bottom without permission. It is a remedy which is impossible for people unthinkable and completely developed. Of course, a 7-year-old girls do not appreciate the importance of his false accusation. But how is that? Parents? Environment? TV? Or what?

However, for the wrong suspect for something like the catastrophe of their lives ...

following the translation the report on the false accusation of the 7-year-old girl in Colombia abc2:
7-year-old is not a victim of sexual assault / Photo: abc2
A Colombian girl recanted his testimony about sexual assault. The 7-year-old girl had said that she last week was a victim of abuse. local police station has been found that the information was wrong about the sexual assaults.
The girl told investigators on Thursday that there had been no attacks. During the investigation, the police noticed that there were inconsistencies in the reports of the girl.

The girl initially told police that on the way home from a playground on 12th been caught in October while crossing a large lawn area of 4 men and sexually abused would be.

The child recanted his story now. The girl's family has turned to appropriate institutions for help and support.
 Originalbericht auf abc2: hier