Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Wear Havaianas Size

Solidarity call with the young people accused of being terrorists Mapuche in Chile

Although announced in September 2010, the Chilean government to end the hunger strike by political prisoners of the Mapuche to stop implementing the anti-terrorism law, are yet all

processes continue after the Anti-Terrorism Act. In particular, the Mapuche detained minors to be pursued under the Anti-terrorism law as adults. This violates the international

human rights, particularly children's rights, ratified by the Chilean government.

Mariman Jorge, Luis Marileo, Cristian Cayupan, Jose Ñirripil and more young people are being charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act, because they fought for their right to restitution of the stolen land and their rights as indigenous population. Young people are sometimes for more than a year without trial in detention until recently, Luis, Cristina and Jose released conditionally into house arrest, with Cristian and Jose, the house has not allowed to leave, while Luis, at least during the day out must, so that he can take care of his planned course.

What happens to the minors who are under house arrest? What happened to the young Mapuche who are accused under anti-terrorism law? Can you study? Who heals the psychological damage caused due to the persecutions and arrests and further develop? What happened to their families? Who is responsible for the torture of Jorge Mariman and gunshot wounds by Luis

and Jorge in 2008? Who pays for the medical care of Quijon Leonardo, who was injured by the Chilean police with rubber bullets in an innocent six months in jail sat and today has about 180 pellets in the body? Who is paying the legal fees for the defense of the young people?

To the international community, all human rights organizations, churches, trade unions, social and political organizations, and all people who stand up for human rights.

· Support the young people in their struggle for their rights. They urgently need financial support to pay attorneys' fees.

· work you meet in the Chilean State, his promise to no use of anti-terror law.

Dortmund, 02.20.2011

Wrote: A, E.

Contact: elena.urrutia @ arcor. de


Jorge Mariman

José Ñirripil
Luis Marileo (Festnahme)

Leonardo Quijon

Cayupan Cristian, Ñirripil José Luis Marileo


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